Flood resources for home and farm

Everyone in the community is impacted by flooding, when it occurs. Being impacted by flooding can be overwhelming especially if it is a first experience. The following are resources available to assist those whom have been affected by the recent flooding.

Residents can call Walworth County’s Emergency Management Hotline at 262-741-7700 to report damage to homes or businesses. This is not a monitored line; callers should leave their name, a brief description of the damage sustained, and a telephone number where they can be reached. Emergency Management Officials will return their call as soon as practical. If you have an emergency call 911. Residents can also call 211 for additional flooding reports and resources.


Wisconsin Flood Toolkit – Wisconsin Department of Health Services

After The Flood – Wisconsin DNR

Cleaning and Restoration – University of Missouri Extension

Private Wells – Wisconsin DNR

Agriculture and Horticulture





Agricultural Preparedness and Emergency Response – University of Wisconsin Extension

Managing Flood Damaged Crops – Penn State Extension

Farm Service Agency Disaster Assistance – USDA, FSA

The Wisconsin Farm Center – Offers affected farmers assistance through confidential debt and cash-flow analysis and one-on-one counseling

Safely Using Produce From Flooded Gardens – University of Wisconsin Extension – Plant Disease Diagnostics Clinic

Effects of Flooding on Woody Landscape Plants – University of Wisconsin Extension – The Learning Store

Food Safety

Food Safety After the Flood – University of Wisconsin Extension

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