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4-H & Youth
Visit the 4-H News Blog for information about upcoming events and meetings!
4-H: a youth organization that belongs to
>the members
> their families
>the volunteer leaders .
Leadership is provided by UW-Madison Division of Extension 4-H youth Development staff with a goal of youth development.
4-H is for kids in the 3rd grade through one year after graduation from high school. Younger youth may join as Cloverbuds when they are in K-2 and at least 5 years old. Here’s a snapshot of what to know or click HERE to join 4-H.
- Choose a club close to home
- Meetings happen once per month
- Select one or more projects from over 50 areas!
- Learn about rockets, photography, animals, cooking, nature
- Members have the opportunity to exhibit projects at the Walworth County Fair!
Have questions?
Contact one of the Walworth County UW-Extension 4-H Staff. Not sure who to contact? Take a look at our Walworth County 4-H Program Staff Breakdown to see who can best answer your question.
Debbie Harris
4-H Youth Development Educator
Phone: 262-741-4959
Fax: 262-741-4955
Janel Heidelmeier
4-H Program Educator
Phone: 262-741-4960
Fax: 262-741-4955
Jerri Laidley
4-H Support Staff
Phone: 262-741-4954
Fax: 262-741-4955
Please stop by the office, call, or email with any 4-H related questions!