Interested in Traveling?

Each year, the Out of State Exchange group plans multiple trips. Currently, they are planning:

 Trip 1: Mystery Trip for members in grades 8-13. A 3 day-2 night trip over a long weekend in late April or early May. Cost: about $100. (Out of Wisconsin)

 Trip 2: Mystery Trip for members in grades 6-8.  A 3 day-2 night trip in June or July. Cost: about $100 (In Wisconsin).

 Trip 3: There is a possibility that we may do a day trip in WI for all 4-H members in the summer.

Contact Nacy Lee at (262)724-5330 or by Monday, January 28 to sign-up or get more information!  When sending an email please include your member’s name, grade, contact info, and the trip they are interested in.

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