Interested in becoming a coach or in scheduling a financial coaching session?
WalCo Volunteer Financial Coach Position Description
General Description: Volunteer Financial Coaches agree to complete the Volunteer Financial Coach
Training and provide one-on-one coaching for individuals/families that are seeking to accomplish
financial goals.
Nature of Position: The volunteer receives 6 hours of training in the financial coach process, basic money management, strategies for dealing with financial problems, credit and debt management, savings, coaching and goal setting techniques and community resources. Some home study may be required. Following the training, each volunteer agrees to provide volunteer budget coaching with at least two individuals/families within one year of completion of training.
If interested in becoming a financial coach or scheduling a financial coaching session, click on the links below for full details:
Financial Coach and Coaching Brochure
To become a financial coach or to schedule a coaching session you must fill out an interest form at:
Financial Coach Interest Form