Badger Crop Connect
May 20, 12:30 PM – 1:15 PM
Register by 5:00 PM on May 19:
May 20th Agenda:
Early Season Weed Control Considerations for Corn and Soybeans
Rodrigo Werle, UW-Madison Extension Weed Specialist
GDD and Emergence – Assessing and Evaluating Corn Stands
Joe Lauer, UW-Madison Extension Corn Specialist
Please direct any questions to Extension Agriculture Educators Mike Ballweg or Dan Marzu
This program is sponsored by University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension with special support from the following Extension Educators: Mike Ballweg, Sheboygan County, Dan Marzu Lincoln and Langlade Counties, Nick Baker Rock County, Josh Kamps Lafayette County, Jerry Clark Chippewa County and Kimberly Schmidt Shawano County.