Encouraging Financial Conversations is a program designed for case managers, social workers and other frontline staff to help empower their clients to reach their financial goals and manage their money. Learn critical coaching strategies and tools to share with your clients so that they may achieve their financial goals, pay off debt, improve their credit scores and more! Please Join Us! This is a 3 week virtual program that runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning in March.
When: March 2-18
Time: 1-2PM
Registration is required! You may register at go.wisc.edu/efc.krw
Course Modules can be located at fyi.extension.wisc.edu/financialcapability
Questions? Connect locally
Amanda Kostman – Walworth County – amanda.kostman@wisc.edu
Sarah Hawks – Racine County – sarah.hawks@wisc.edu
Mary Metten – Kenosha County – mary.metten@wisc.edu