Phoenix Middle School Harvest Success

    Through a multi-organization county effort, Phoenix Middle School in Delavan WI was able to take part in a new community Garden this year. The garden was made possible because of a $4000 GardenWIse grant received from the University of Wisconsin-Extension office. Families participated in owning their own piece of the garden and could […]

Septiembre y Octubre Fit Families Boletines

Septiembre y octubre son todo sobre las verduras! La cosecha está aquí y hay un montón de frutas y verduras para elegir. Los mercados de los agricultores son muy animados en esta época del año y huertos. Tome un paseo en el campo y encontrará huertos y puestos de lado del camino que venderá frutas […]

September and October Fit Families Newsletters

September and October are all about the veggies! The harvest is here and there are plenty of fruits and vegetables to choose from. The farmer’s markets are very lively at this time of the year and orchards. Take a ride in the country and you will find orchards and country side stands that will sell […]

Come help clean up the parks!

The Walworth County Volunteer Services Department and Public Works will be having volunteer work days at the 3 county parks this fall.  We are looking for volunteers to help with prairie seed harvesting, invasive species removal and trail maintenance on the following dates: Friday Oct 6th at White River Park 8am to Noon Friday Oct 13th at Price Park 8am […]

Identity Theft and Credit Report Campaign

UW-Extension: Continue to check your free credit report after a data breach   The latest data breach in the news comes from Equifax, one of the three major credit bureaus in the U.S. This breach involves computer hackers accessing personal data – social security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and potentially more information – of 143 […]

Fit Families August Newsletter

Make Every Bite Count….More Fruits & Veggies Enjoy some fruit smoothies this Summer. Fruits may seem expensive but there are fruits that are actually cheaper than some snack foods. Remember to buy fruits in season, for great deals! Don’t forget to visit Farmer’s Markets for great deals too, if you are enrolled with the WIC […]

May Newsletter and Community Garden

Spring is here! By now, the family has probably been eating more veggies since our March edition. If you missed our March edition, you can go to our Fit Families page to catch up on past newsletters. Now that May is here, it is time to start eating some more veggies and even growing veggies! […]

The Coffee Drinker: Healthy Tips with FoodWIse

Every morning in our homes and offices throughout the world, people go through their morning rituals to get through the day. Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world, it originated from tropical areas of Africa and through generations has been exported to all parts of the world. Coffee is such a […]

April Fit Families Newsletter and Tips

This month the focus is fruits, fruits, fruits! Does your family eat breakfast every day? It is recommended, kids have more energy and can focus better when they start off their day with a healthy breakfast. Add fruit in pancakes, fruit in cereal, fruit in shakes and more! Check out our April newsletter and tips […]

Food Product Dating

Do you know what food dating labels on food really mean? Expert Barbara Ingham explains. What’s the latest on food product dating? The Grocery Manufacturers Association and the Food Marketing Institute recently asked their members to standardize quality dates that appear on food packages in an effort to curb the problem of food waste. A […]

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