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Rent Smart

Rent Smart focuses on the knowledge and skills essential for a successful renting experience. It challenges participants to know and understand their rights and responsibilities as a tenant, as well as know and understand the rights and responsibilities of their landlord. Emphasis is on forming a strong partnership between the tenant and landlord. Establishing a positive rental history is much like having a positive credit report and Rent Smart starts participants on the right path for success.
Rent Smart for tenants is offered in person or virtually.
- To request an in person class, contact Amanda Kostman at amanda.kostman@wisc.edu or 262-741-4961.
- Virtual Programs can be found at https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/rentsmart/rent-smart-online/.

The Rent Smart Train the Trainer Program is designed for helping professionals and volunteers to use the University of Madison, Division of Extension developed curriculum one on one and as classes. Current virtual classes train the trainer classes can be found at https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/rentsmart/for-instructors/current-training/. To request an in person class, contact Amanda Kostman at amanda.kostman@wisc.edu or 262-741-4961.