Walworth Schools Explore Food Environments Through Virtual Education

When the school-year started in September 2020, students were able to return and learn in Walworth County classrooms. SNAP-Ed funded FoodWIse nutrition educators like Lisa Krolow, however, no longer had the flexibility to join students in-person because of safety restrictions. While virtual programs were growing with prerecorded lessons and asynchronous activities, Walworth elementary teachers were […]


Due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak and guidelines from Wisconsin Department of Health Services, UW-Madison, and federal agencies our office will have limited availability and access. Our staff are working remotely and many of our events have been postponed. WALWORTH.EXTENSION.WISC.EDU or call (262) 741-4951 for more. For the latest information on COVID-19, visit the Wisconsin […]

QWIC Bites- Kids in the Kitchen

  Easy Freezer Pasta and Vegetables Join us Tuesday December 17 at the Delavan library as we prepare a delicious pasta dish with homemade dressing. THIS IS A FREE EVENT! Tuesday December 17: 4PM-4:45PM      RSVP by calling (262) 741-3146 or e-mail walcoWIC@co.walworth.wi.us Aram Public Library 404 E Walworth St Delavan, WI 53115

Boletín Fit Families de abril

A veces el clima obliga a los niños a quedarse adentro. Esto no significa que no puedan divertirse sin ver la televisión. ¡Hay tantas actividades que pueden hacer adentro que traerán alegría y risas a su hogar! Lo que más me gusta hacer con mis hijos es construir un castillo de cobijas con muchas cobijas […]

April Fit Families Newsletter

Sometimes the weather forces kids to stay inside. This doesn’t mean that they can’t have fun without watching tv. There are so many awesome activities that they can do inside that will bring joy and laughter throughout your home, as well as get them moving! My favorite thing to do with my kids is to […]

Boletín Fit Families de marzo

Manténgase activo y tome mucha agua. Están empezando a haber rayos de sol y las temperaturas se están calentando en todo el país. ¿Está su hijo haciendo suficiente ejercicio? Los niños necesitan jugar afuera y adentro. Se sorprendería de cuántas frutas y verduras comerán los niños cuando estén disponibles. El boletín contiene una receta de […]

March Fit Families Newsletter

Stay active and drink plenty of water. There are starting to be rays of sunshine and temperatures are warming up across the nation. Is your kid getting enough exercise? Kids need to play outside and inside. You would be surprised how many fruits and vegetables kids will eat when they are readily available. The newsletter […]

Boletín Fit Families de febrero

La primavera está a la vuelta de la esquina. ¡Es hora de empezar a pensar en el jardín! ¿Cultivarás las mismas verduras y / o frutas que el año pasado? ¿O vas a probar algo diferente este año?¿Tiene un niño caprichoso en la mesa? Intenta ofrecerles cosas diferentes y diviértete con ellas. La comida no […]

February Fit Families Newsletter

Spring is around the corner. It’s time to start thinking about the family vegetable garden! Will you grow the same vegetables and/or fruits as last year? Or will you try something different this year? Have a fussy kid at the table? Try offering them different things and have fun with them. Food should not be […]

Boletín de enero de Fit Families

Tenemos un clima interesante. A veces hace frío, a veces hace más frío y, a veces, hace suficiente calor afuera para salir a jugar. Es importante tener actividades planeadas teniendo en cuenta el clima. Hay algo especial en trineos sobre nieve fresca. Si hace demasiado frío afuera, toca algo de música adentro y diviértete bailando […]

Fit Families January Newsletter

Interesting weather we’re having. Sometimes it’s cold sometimes it’s colder and sometimes it’s warm enough outside to go out and play! It’s important to have activities planned with the weather in mind. There is just something special about sledding on some fresh snow. If it’s too cold outside, play some music inside and have some […]

Fit Families Boletín de diciembre

Los niños son copiadores. Si su hijo lo ve haciendo algo, hay casi una garantía de que lo copiarán. Esto es muy importante tener en cuenta al tomar decisiones durante todo el día, al igual que los alimentos que comemos y lo que hacemos con nuestro tiempo. Vayan al mercado juntos, cocinar juntos, comer juntos. […]

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