Home » Private: Horticulture » Community Garden/Jardín Comunitario
Community Garden/Jardín Comunitario
Call 262-741-4963 to request a plot!
Community gardens provide common ground for people to grow plants, build strong communities, and provide the space needed for a garden. Some benefits of gardening include raising fresh produce and saving money, learning new gardening skills, getting exercise, and unwinding.
Los jardines comunitarios ofrecen un espacio para que las personas puedan sembrar sus propias plantas y construir comunidades mas fuertes. Algunos de los beneficios de trabajar en su jardín incluyen: tener acceso a verduras frescas, ahorrar dinero, aprender las habilidades cosechar, estar activos físicamente y tener un espacio para relajarse.
2024 Rental Fees / 2024 Precio de Renta:
10’ x 20’ $20.00
20’ x 20’ $30.00
20’ x 30’ $40.00
Raised Bed/Espacio Elevado $10.00
Scholarships are available upon request/Hay becas disponibles según la necesidad
Our Goals/Nuestras metas:
Improve scope of family vegetable production, consumption, and access.
Mejorar el alcance de la producción y acceso a las verduras.
Expand access of fresh foods for limited-income residents.
Mejorar acceso a verduras frescas para familias de bajos recursos.
Provide educational programming for youth and adults to increase productivity of gardens, and to enhance awareness of the nutritional benefits of fresh vegetables.
Ofrecer programas educativos para jóvenes y adultos para aumentar el uso del jardín y
para aumentar el conocimiento de las ventajas alimenticias de las verduras frescas.
Donate part of our harvest to local food pantries.
Donar parte de la cosecha a las despensas de alimentos en la comunidad.
Provide a venue for outdoors activity for families and individuals with the added advantage of reaping the benefits of fresh vegetables to enhance health.
Proveer una forma de tener actividades fuera de casa para las familias e individuos, con
la ventaja de tener verduras frescas para mejorar la salud.
Create an area of demonstration gardens for hands-on community horticulture programs.
Crear un área de demostración para los jardineros donde se enseñará y practicará con
personas encargadas de programas de cultivo.
Provide garden space for people that may have limited outdoor space.
Proporcionar un espacio para la gente que no tiene acceso a los jardines.
Establish a respectful and friendly gardening atmosphere!
Establecer una atmósfera que cultiva el respeto y que crea amistades.
Learn about Common Vegetable Pests and Diseases that could be affecting your garden.
Walworth County Food Pantries… Accepting Fresh Garden Produce!
Do you have a zillion zucchini? Tons of tomatoes? More squash than your family can eat? If so, please consider donating your excess produce to local food pantries, where it will be given to families in need. These families will appreciate the extra fruits and vegetables more than you know, and will benefit from the fresh, nutritious food! This list provides information on food pantries that accept fresh produce. If you have questions, please call the phone number listed for each pantry.
Darien United Methodist Church 15 Park Street, Darien, WI 262-882-5577 1st and 3rd Mon of the month Mon 5:30-6:30pm |
Accepts produce at any time, by appointment-please call first. Has refrigerator space for large quantities of produce. |
St Andrew’s Catholic Church/Delavan Human Concerns 714 Walworth Ave, Delavan WI 262-374-3503 Sat 8:30-10:30am |
Accepts produce Sat mornings. Prefer before pantry opens—please bring between 6:30 and 8:30 AM. Some refrigerator space available. |
East Troy Food Pantry 2861 Austin St, East Troy 262-642-4357 Tues 7:30-11:00am, Thurs 2:30-4:30pm |
Accepts produce when pantry is open. Prefers early in the morning. Only has refrigerator space for small quantities. |
Elkhorn Food Pantry 14 West Geneva Street, Elkhorn 262-723-6359 Mon, Wed, Fri, 9:00 to 11:00am |
Accepts produce whenever it is available. Please bring during pantry hours. Some refrigerator space available. |
Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry 715 Walworth Street, Genoa City 262-279-6448 Thurs-9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. or by appt |
Lake Geneva Food Pantry 1st Congregational United Church of Christ 715 Wisconsin, Lake Geneva 262-248-2337 Mon, Wed, Fri, 9:00-11:30am |
Accepts produce when pantry is open. Would prefer that it be brought on Mon or Wed, as it is hard to keep fresh over the weekend-limited refrigerator space. |
Mount Zion Christian Church 2330 Hwy 120, Lake Geneva 262-248-7097 Sat- 9 – 11 a.m. |
Accepts produce anytime, has refrigerator space available. Volunteers bag food 2-3 days in advance for distribution, so please consider this when donating produce. |
WC Food and Diaper Bank 205 E Commerce St, Elkhorn 262-723-4488 Thurs 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and Fri 9:00 to 12:00 p.m |
Accepts produce Weds 10:00 to 1:00 p.m. and 2nd Thurs of the month from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. or drop off outside anytime. Refrigerator space available for large quantities. |
Corner Stone Church 1553 Church Street, Lyons Call for appointment only, 262-763-7559 |
Accepts produce, please call to arrange drop off. Refrigerator space available. |
Sharon Food Pantry St. Catherine’s Catholic Church 125 Pearl St, Sharon 262-736-9286 Sat 8:30-10:30am |
Accepts produce on Saturdays while pantry is open. |
Big Foot Emergency Food Pantry Immanuel United Church of Christ 111 Fremont St, Walworth 262-275-3252 Friday 2:00-4:00pm, Sat 9:00-11:00am |
Accepts produce, please bring to church office Mon-Thurs between 9:00-12:00. Refrigerator space available. |
Chapel on the Hill N2440 Ara Glenn Drive, Williams Bay 262-245-9122 Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. |
Accepts produce in small quantities, limited refrigerator space available. Accepts produce that does not need refrigeration (e.g. winter squash) in larger quantities. |
Whitewater Food Pantry City Armory, 2nd Floor 146 E. North Street, Whitewater 262-472-0542 Wed and Thurs, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m |
Accepts produce when pantry is open. Can accept large quantities—lots of refrigerator and freezer space. |
Delavan United Methodist Church Food Pantry |
Donations accepted Mon through Thurs 8:00 to 12:00 p.m. |