Human Development and Relationships Institute Impact Report NOW Available!

This report showcases the mission and core values of the Human Development and Relationships Institute while illustrating impact through shared outcomes. Inside, you’ll find inspiring testimonials from participants, engaging infographics that visually represent our achievements and a detailed overview the HDRI institute and their vital role within the UW Division of Extension.

QWIC Bites- Kids in the Kitchen

  Easy Freezer Pasta and Vegetables Join us Tuesday December 17 at the Delavan library as we prepare a delicious pasta dish with homemade dressing. THIS IS A FREE EVENT! Tuesday December 17: 4PM-4:45PM      RSVP by calling (262) 741-3146 or e-mail Aram Public Library 404 E Walworth St Delavan, WI 53115

Get ready, Get set, Get your free credit report

UW-Extension: Check your free credit report to build financial security  Federal law gives everyone the right to request three free credit reports each year—one each from the three credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. There are three ways to order your free credit report: through the mail, by phone toll free, or at the official […]

Boletín Fit Families de agosto

Haga un tiempo para que su familia se divierta al sol. A los niños les encanta jugar juegos como duck duck goose y simon says. Los niños necesitan mantenerse hidratados mientras se divierten y agua es lo mejor para eso. ¿Sabía que puede infundir agua con sabores para un sabor diferente e incluso más refrescante? […]

August Fit Families Newsletter

Make some time for your family to have fun in the sun. Kids love to play games like duck duck goose and simon says. Kids need to stay hydrated while having fun and water is the best for that. Did you know you can infuse water with flavors for a different and even more refreshing […]

July Fit Families Newsletter

It’s Farmer’s Market time! Get out there and enjoy all the different Farmer’s markets in the state. There are farmer’s markets happening all days of the week depending on the city. Much of these markets accept the WIC farmer’s market checks. Don’t forget your tote bags! You’re going to need something for all that produce. […]

June Fit Families Newsletter/Farmer’s Market Checks

It’s time for another monthly Fit Families Newsletter. It’s warm outside! Remember to stay active and safe! It does not take a lot of time out there in the sun to get too warm or dehydrated. Drink plenty of water, to stay hydrated. If you get bored with water, you can always make some infused […]

May Fit Families Newsletter/Boletín de Fit Families

The sun is out and so are “Fit Families”! It’s time to get ready for some yummy warm weather treats and activities. Do you know what is really good? Oranges! There is a really delicious recipe for an orange smoothie inside the newsletter. What a special treat! You can also try some crisp, refreshing orange […]

Get Fit Fest

Get Fit Fest is May 12th from 9-noon at the Elkhorn Middle School. This will be the perfect Fit Families event for your family. Have fun participating in different activities and learn about healthier living. Best of all, it’s FREE! Get Fit Fest Flyer

Jardín Comunitario/Community Garden

¡Preparate para la temporada 2018 del Jardín Comunitario! Si el clima lo permite, el Jardín estará activo el 18 de mayo. No se pierda esta gran oportunidad de tener su propio jardín en uno de nuestros 45 lotes. Todos los jardineros estan muy ánimados y listos para disfrutar del sol, la siembra y la cosecha. […]

2018 Spring Strong Women Session

The Walworth County UW-Extension will again be offering the StrongWomen Program, an exercise program for middle-aged and older adults. Classes will be offered in Elkhorn starting the week of April 9 and run 12 weeks until July 2nd, 2018.  Each class includes cardio exercise, progressive weight training, flexibility, balance activities. All instructors have been trained […]

Is it teenaged angst, moodiness, hormones, or something else?

Just about all American kids are immersed in media-related activities. Television, social media, video games, movies, radio, music, the Internet, books, magazines, and newspapers can all be accessed through their handheld devices. Excessive access to these resources or an inability to self-monitor can prove harmful to some teens. Take care to watch for warning signs […]

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